TIBURON – A poem by Fatima Hasan


Tiburon is the Spanish word for a shark. The place Tibourn is located just north of San Francisco. Fatima visited San Francisco some time back and was most impressed with the beauty of the West Coast.

In her words, she was “totally stunned as I drove through Tiburon which further mesmerized me … Extreme silence overtook my senses, brought waves of thoughts to my mind resulting in this poem.”

Dazzling, grayish black sky throwing reflection on the sea.
The call of the sea is so loud and tempting.
Hard rocks on the edges of the walk path.
Nebulous view of the golden gate bridge,on one side
The alluring wooden houses with green plants
Hanging ,prominence was unavoidable
Halcyon walks and endless talks of lovers.
Beauty of Tiburon was abstruse
Leaving the mind puzzled
Unlimited blessings of the eternal God
His omni presence could be felt
Feeling of pulchritude to the soul
The ardent emotions fills the heart with joy
As the evening fades into night
Standing aloof on the tiny ravishing bridge
Redolent flowers delights the mood
Mellifluous sounds goes with the flow
The intensity of the love remains unclear
Sanguine feeling with unending desires to follow with
But the words immaculate of this poem still remains ineffable

Published on May 20, 2007 at 2:26 pm  Comments (3)  

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3 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. “Halcyon walks and endless talks
    Leaving the mind puzzled
    As the evening fades into night
    The intensity of the love remains unclear
    Sanguine feeling with unending desires to follow with
    But the words immaculate of this poem still remain ineffable.”

    Just beautiful. Nothing but a beautiful love song. Bravo Ms. Fatima Hasan. Bravo.

  2. It’s been many years, but I have travelled to Tiburon and it is as beautiful as it’s described in this poem. Santa Barbara is another town in California with such beauty.


    Too bad land this beautiful is reserved for the wealthy.

  3. wow.. that’s amazing! I feel like going to tiburon after reading this. It describes the whole scene so well. Good job! Keep it up:)

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